"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Children can teach us adults. Sometimes, adults, with all our worries, we've got all these plans, concerns. We're carrying the burdens of the past, we also worry about tomorrow. We forget that today is actually that gift that God has given from us. That's what actually children teach us. Children, they just look at the present moment. They have a toy in their hand, and they enjoy it, they actually love it. They don't think about the past, they don't think about the future, they just enjoy the present.
And it's an invitation from God, that if you want more peace in your life, focus on today. Enjoy the blessing of God, today. Enjoy on the peace and the presence of God wherever you are, whatever you're doing, thank God.
Don't be worried about tomorrow, don't be trapped by your past. Enjoy today.
At the end of the day, everything works out. It may not be as exactly the way I want it to, but everything works out for good for those who love God, so trust Him and believe.
Father in heaven, Lord we surrender ourselves to you, and we praise you and thank you for TODAY, this day. Lord we surrender yesterday, we surrender tomorrow, and we'll enjoy today. This is your gift, this is your present. And we love you and thank you. AMEN.